Mercedes-Benz R18 + Michelin Pilot Sport

Mercedes-Benz R18 + Michelin Pilot Sport

Listing ID:
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1,500.00 EUR
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Product Location: Slovakia
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European UnionSeller #9026Seller

I am selling original Mercedes-Benz discs with Michelin Pilot Super Sport summer tires.

Front wheels:
Wheels - A 203 401 55 02; size 7.5Jx18 H2; ET 36
Tires - Michelin Pilot Super Sport; size 225/40 R18, 92Y; DOT 49/2020

Rear wheels:
Wheels - A 203 401 56 02; size 8.5Jx18 H2; ET 30
Tires - Michelin Pilot Super Sport; size 255/35 R18, 94Y; DOT 08/2020

This whole set of wheels was bought new in May 2021. It contains the original Mercedes-Benz discs, hubs, sensors, a device for displaying tire pressure (for cars that do not have it from the factory) and tires. Only a month and less than 1000 km were driven on this set. From the factory, this set of discs was given to the Mercedes CLK W209, C W203 and SLK R171. I bought it for the CLK W208, it fits without any problems, but personally I liked other R17 wheels more on that car, so I'm selling it. Also suitable for other cars with a pitch of 5x112, as far as Mercedes are concerned, it can also be worn on C W202, SLK R170, E W124, E W210 and probably others with M12 screws.

Flawless condition (mileage 1000km = condition of new wheels and tires)

Original price 2150 €

Predám originál disky Mercedes-Benz s letnými pneumatikami Michelin Pilot Super Sport.

Predné kolesá :
Disky - A 203 401 55 02; rozmer 7,5Jx18 H2; ET 36
Pneumatiky - Michelin Pilot Super Sport; rozmer 225/40 R18, 92Y; DOT 49/2020

Zadné kolesá :
Disky - A 203 401 56 02; rozmer 8,5Jx18 H2; ET 30
Pneumatiky - Michelin Pilot Super Sport; rozmer 255/35 R18, 94Y; DOT 08/2020

Celá táto sada kolies bola kupovaná nová v máji 2021. Obsahuje originál disky Mercedes-Benz, pukličky, senzory, zariadenie na zobrazovanie tlaku v pneumatikách (pre autá ktoré to nemajú z výroby) a pneumatiky. Na tejto sade bolo jazdené iba mesiac a necelých 1000km. Z výroby sa táto sada diskov dávala na Mercedes CLK W209, C W203 a SLK R171. Ja som to kúpil pre CLK W208, bez problémov to pasuje, ale osobne sa mi na tom aute viac páčili iné R17 kolesá, preto predávam. Vhodné aj pre iné autá s roztečou 5x112, čo sa týka Mercedesov, tak dá sa obuť ešte na C W202, SLK R170, E W124, E W210 a pravdepodobne aj iné so šróbmi M12.

Bezchybný stav (nájazd 1000km = stav nových diskov a pneu)

Pôvodná cena 2150€

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