Britax Römer Dualfix iSense

Britax Römer Dualfix iSense

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400.00 EUR
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Product Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
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I am offering a brand new (purchased 03/2023) car seat.
Used for less than three months (the whole of April was very sick, we were nowhere). No signs of use. It had a beige protective cover on it from the first use.
My head is in sadness that I have to change it and buy a new one again, but it doesn't fit us well with the slant of our car seats. It was recommended to me by a friend because they are very satisfied with it, I just didn't think that the inclination of the seats plays a big role.

The original color of the seat is "Midnight Grey". At the moment, they no longer have this color, only a similar "Fossil gray"
Proof of purchase is a matter of course.

Purchased from the predeti.sk website, but paid in cash at a store in NR for personal collection.
Original price including isofix €529.90.
I just bought it on sale for €450.
I'M OFFERING IT FOR €400 + FREE COVER (it costs €53).
In case of interest, I am willing to agree on the price. Within the framework of BA and TN, I am also willing to bring her by agreement.

At the moment, it can no longer be bought as a set, only individually, which comes out to €640

Ponúkam úplne novú (kúpenú 03/2023) autosedačku.
Používaná necelé tri mesiace (celý apríl bol krpce chorý, nikde sme neboli). Žiadne známky používania. Od prvého použitia bol na nej béžový ochranný poťah.
Mám hlavu v smútku, že ju musím meniť, a kupovať opäť novú, ale nepasuje nám dobre na šikmý sklon našich sedačiek v aute. Odporučila mi ju kamarátka, lebo sú s ňou veľmi spokojní, len to ma nenapadlo, že sklon sedačiek zohráva dosť veľkú úlohu.

Original farba sedačky je "Mitnight Grey". Momentálne už túto farbu nemajú, len podobnú "Fossil grey"
Doklad o kúpe je samozrejmosťou.

Kupovaná zo stránky predeti.sk, ale zaplatená v hotovosti na predajni v NR pri osobnom odbere.
Pôvodná cena spolu s isofixom 529,90€.
Ja som ju kúpila zrovna v akcií za 450€.
PONÚKAM JU ZA 400€ + POŤAH ZADARMO (ten stojí 53€).
V prípade záujmu, som ochotná sa na cene ešte dohodnúť. V rámci BA a TN som ochotná ju po dohode aj doviesť.

Momentálne sa už nedá kúpiť ako set, len jednotlivo, čo spolu vychádza 640€

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