BMW M Performance Doble ST 624 matt black r20

BMW M Performance Doble ST 624 matt black r20

Product ID:
Used, Used
Not Specified
1,990.00 EUR
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Product Location: Slovakia
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Condition:Used, Used

Personal collection is possible in MT or I will send it by courier to CZ.

After selling the car (see the last photo of the 430d Xdrive) I was left with discs with new summer tires, I did a maximum of 1000 km on the tires, so the wheels are also balanced, as they have recently changed.
This is an original BMW M performance matte black styling 624 wheels purchased from BMW Žilina.
I sell discs completely as they are in the photo - with pressure sensors, with central knobs, with new rubbers.
The discs are straight and not welded.

Dimensions of wheels and tires:
Front - 225/35 r20 90Y - 8J x 20 IS 36
Rear - 255/30 r20 92Y - 8.5J x 20 IS 47

When negotiating quickly, I do not oppose an agreement, the possibility to buy separately without a tire.

Osobný odber je možný v MT alebo pošlem kuriérom aj do CZ.

Po predaji auta (viď. posledná foto 430d Xdrive) mi ostali disky s novými letnými pneumatikami, na gumách som urobil maximálne 1000 km, takže kolesá sú aj vyvážené, keďže sa nedávno prezúvali.
Jedná sa o originál BMW M performance matné čierne kolesá styling 624 kupované v BMW Žilina.
Disky predávam kompletne tak ako sú na foto - so senzormi tlaku, so stredovými pukličkami, s novými gumami.
Disky sú rovné a nezvárané.

Rozmery diskov a pneu:
Predok - 225/35 r20 90Y - 8J x 20 IS 36
Zadok - 255/30 r20 92Y - 8,5J x 20 IS 47

Pri rýchlom jednaní sa nebránim dohode, možnosť kúpiť aj samostatne bez pneu.

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