Certifikát Cinerama Inc

Certifikát Cinerama Inc

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30.00 EUR
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Lokácia produktu: Slovakia
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30. septembra 1952 mal film "To je Cinerama" premiéru v newyorskom divadle Broadway ako prvý film Cinerama. Cinerama bol prvým skutočným širokouhlým filmovým formátom a bol vynájdený Fredom Wallerom.

Na vrchole popularity formátu bolo viac ako 230 divadiel po celom svete, ktoré sa predstavili na vystúpeniach týždenne. V roku 1961 vyrobili Cinerama, Inc. a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer prvé inscenácie Cinerama, ktoré rozprávali príbeh. Boli to úžasný svet bratov Grimmovcov a ako sa vyhral Západ, ten druhý sa stal šampiónom číslo jedna v pokladnici alebo 1962. Kvôli nákladom a ťažkostiam systému bol v roku 196 opustený. začiatkom 70. rokov.

Certifikát sa predáva nezarámovaný.

On September 30, 1952, the film "This is Cinerama" premiered at New York's Broadway Theater as the first Cinerama film. Cinerama was the first real widescreen feature film format and was invented by Fred Waller.

At the peak of the format's popularity there were over 230 theatres around the globe showing at performances a week. In 1961 the first Cinerama productions to tell a story were produced by Cinerama, Inc. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. They were The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm and How the West Was Won, the latter becoming the number one box office champ or 1962. Because of the expense and difficulties of the system, it was abandoned in 1963. Incarnations of the company continued on through the early 1970s.

The certificate is sold unframed.

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