JOOLZ Day+ Tailor complete set Style yourself 2in1

JOOLZ Day+ Tailor complete set Style yourself 2in1

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500.00 EUR
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Product Location: Revúca, Slovakia
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I am selling an original Joolz Day+ Tailor stroller in the color Marvelous green limitka, with a decorative roof and handles. Purchased in 5/2022, so still under warranty. Normal signs of use, the paint is a little faded, small scratches from loading it into the car, the tub has been used for 6 months. I will also pack the Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, BeSafe Joolz Day2/Geo2/Day3 car seat adapter, which are included in the price. I also have an original Joolz insect net for it, which is included in the price. A deal is possible with quick action, I will also send by courier.

Predám originálny kocik Joolz Day+ Tailor vo farbe Marvellous green limitka, s ozdobnou strieškou a madlami. Kupovaný 5/2022,takže ešte v záruke.Bežné známky užívania,je trochu vybletnutá farba, malé škrabance z nakladania do auta,vanička používaná 6 mesiacov. Pribalím aj Adaptér na autosedačku Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, BeSafe Joolz Day2/Geo2/Day3, ktoré sú v cene. Mám k nemu aj originál Joolz sieťku proti hmyzu, ktorá je v cene.Pri rýchlom jednaní mozna dohoda, pošlem aj kuriérom.

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