Bazén Intex Ultra Frame 7,32 x 3,66 x 1,32 m

Bazén Intex Ultra Frame 7,32 x 3,66 x 1,32 m

Product ID:
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600.00 EUR
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Product Location: Senec, Slovakia
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Swimming pool for sale = Used for 3 years - in very good condition.
Swimming pool Intex Ultra Frame
Rectangular 7.32 x 3.66 x 1.32 m
More information can be found at: Swimming pool INTEX Rectangular Ultra Frame XTR 7.32 x 3.66 x 1.32 cm set + sand filtration 6m3/hour | BazenyShop.sk

Including - Skimmer suspended for the pool and ladders

Price: 600 e (Flood price 1200 E)

The pool also includes Filtration and Salinator - price 150 E
Filtration: INTEX Krystal Clear 1200 Sand filtration 220-240 V 4.5 m3/h

The pool needs to be dismantled and removed

Predáme Bazén = Používaný 3 roky – vo veľmi dobrom stave.
Bazén Intex Ultra Frame
Rectangular 7,32 x 3,66 x 1,32 m
Viac informácii nájdete na : Bazén INTEX Rectangular Ultra Frame XTR 7,32 x 3,66 x 1,32 cm set + piesková filtrácia 6m3/hod | BazenyShop.sk

Vrátane - Skimmer závesný k bazénu a rebríkom

Cena: 600 e (Povodná cena 1200 E)

K bazénu je aj Filtrácia a Salinator – cena 150 E
Filtrácia: INTEX Krystal Clear 1200 Piesková filtrácia 220-240 V 4,5 m3/h

Bazén je potrebné rozobrať a odviesť

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