Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap

Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap

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Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap comes from the picturesque landscape of Sri Lanka, growing above the small town of Nuwara Eliya. Cultivated in some of the highest altitudes of the island, it’s also subject to arguably the best climatic conditions.

A constantly changing weather system with a mixture of sun, rain and clouds, makes for lush, thriving Tea. As such, our Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap will undoubtedly beguile all those who choose it. We pack it fresh to order here at our Kent-based factory.

Why Choose Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap?
This delectable infusion is a type of Orthodox Black Sri Lankan Tea with traditionally floral notes. Grown at altitudes between 6,500-9,000 feet above sea level, it has much to offer casual drinkers and connoisseurs alike.

Perhaps most notably, when enjoyed as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, it can provide Black Tea benefits. Treat yourself or a loved one to this remarkable quality in cup!

But what, exactly, are Black Tea benefits? Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap contains a wealth of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants capable of combating free radicals in the body. This slows down the process of natural, though harmful, human oxidation.

In doing this, your morning cuppa ultimately reduces the risk of developing a multitude of severe, chronic conditions.

What Does “Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe” Mean?
Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe (FBOP) Teas sit between “Flowery Orange Pekoe” and “Broken Orange Pekoe”. In essence, the term refers to the fact that the leaves have been broken into small pieces for a stronger taste and character when brewed.

However, it isn’t as ‘broken’ as BOP Tea, nor is it as ‘whole’ as FOP Tea. So, in other words, Ceylon Tea makes for the perfect middle ground. And what could be more important than that among devoted partners? Compromise, after all, is key.

A Brief History of Ceylon Tea
In 1869, the island of Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) produced only Coffee. However, that year a disease called Coffee Rust ravaged the crop, throwing the country’s economy into disarray. Experiments conducted by a Scotsman named James Taylor proved to be its saving grace. In 1872, Taylor established a fully-equipped Tea factory, and later that same year, he made his first sale of Ceylon Tea.

Tea-growing spread throughout the country soon after. Today, any Tea classified as a “Ceylon” must adhere to strict quality stands set by the Sri Lanka Tea Board. This ensures not only quality but also consistency, two factors particularly important to The Kent and Sussex Tea and Coffee Company.

Useful Information
Type of Tea: Black Tea.

Origin: Nuwara Eliya District, Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon).

Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water. Infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Serve: Milk, sugar, honey or lemon - the choice is yours. Alternatively, serve black.

Tasting Notes: Enjoy quintessentially ‘Ceylonese’ tastes with floral notes.

Colour in Cup: Golden-coppery liquor, light in tone.

Benefits of Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap
Keep yourself looking your best for a loved one with Black Tea goodness. Ceylon Tea Lovers Leap can boost the metabolism of fat cells, enabling the body to burn fat quicker and more efficiently.

In turn, this translates to periods of moderate exercise producing better, perhaps even more noticeable results. Just remember - it won’t do all of the work for you. In other words, don’t give up the morning jogs or salads quite yet.

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