Versele-Laga Complete Rabbit Junior

Versele-Laga Complete Rabbit Junior

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47.49 EUR
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If you want to grow big and strong, you must always eat up and not just pick out the sultanas. So that young rabbits and dwarf rabbits are not tempted to eat selectively, Versele-Laga Complete Rabbit Junior is designed as an all-in-one food. This means that all the nutrients that are essential for a complete diet are bundled in the pellets.

The rabbit food is rich in protein, calcium and vitamins and can therefore contribute to optimal growth. It contains long fibres, including alfalfa hay, and is grain-free. Versele-Laga Complete Rabbit Junior is prepared with a natural herbal mixture that can support digestion and optimise nutrient absorption. The food is also enriched with plant pigments that can contribute to strong defences.

Versele-Laga Complete Rabbit Junior at a glance:

  • Tasty complete food for young rabbits and dwarf rabbits (6 - 8 months)
  • All-in-one pellets: prevents selective eating behaviour, all essential nutrients in bundled form, for optimal supply of the growing rabbit
  • High in protein, calcium and vitamins: can contribute to optimal growth
  • Natural herbal blend: can aid digestion and support improved nutrient absorption
  • Long fibres: including alfalfa hay
  • Enriched with natural plant pigments: may help support the immune system
  • Grain-free recipe
  • Good taste: accepted by many rabbits
  • Developed and recommended by veterinarians
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