Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Certificate

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company Certificate

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360.00 EUR
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The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad (reporting marks B&O, BO) was the first common carrier railroad and the oldest railroad in the United States, with its first section opening in 1830. It came into being mostly because the city of Baltimore wanted to compete with the newly constructed Erie Canal (which served New York City) and another canal being proposed by Pennsylvania, which would have connected Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. At first this railroad was located entirely in the state of Maryland, with an original line built from the port of Baltimore west to Sandy Hook.

As part of a series of mergers, the B&O is now part of the CSX Transportation (CSX) network. The B&O also included the Leiper Railroad, the first permanent horse-drawn railroad in the U.S. At the end of 1970, the B&O operated 5,552 miles of road and 10,449 miles of track, not including the Staten Island Rapid Transit (SIRT) or the Reading and its subsidiaries. It includes the oldest operational railroad bridge in the United States.

The certificate is sold unframed.

Baltimore a Ohio železnica (ohlasovacie známky B&O, BO) bola prvá spoločná železničná dráha a najstaršia železnica v Spojených štátoch, s prvou časťou otvorenou v roku 1830. Vznikla hlavne preto, že mesto Baltimore chcelo konkurovať novo postavený Erie Canal (ktorý slúžil New York City) a ďalší kanál, ktorý navrhla Pennsylvania, ktorá by spájala Philadelphiu a Pittsburgh. Spočiatku bola táto železnica umiestnená úplne v štáte Maryland, s pôvodnou líniou postavenou z prístavu Baltimore na západ k Sandy Hook.

Ako súčasť série fúzií je B&O súčasťou siete CSX Transportation (CSX). B&O tiež zahŕňalo Leiper Railroad, prvú stálu koňskú železnicu v USA. Na konci roka 1970, B&O prevádzkovalo 5 552 míľ cesty a 10 449 míľ trate, vrátane Staten Island Rapid Transit (SIRT) alebo Readingu. a jej dcérske spoločnosti. Zahŕňa najstarší operačný železničný most v Spojených štátoch.

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